Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Your Own Choice

Have you ever woke up one day and thought, "What do I want to be? What kind a job can I call my career and not have to work a day in my life? What is the difference between a job and a career?" Well this was the questions I was asking myself for the past 3 years since I graduated high school. I was confused and didn't know what to do with my life. All I knew was I was a C.N.A and thought maybe this is all the education that I'll ever need. I mean, I've work with woman who's been a C.N.A for 28 years. How could she work so long in just one job? Especially a not so easy one. How could she be so patient? That got me thinking really hard. Then I realized, to her being a C.N.A is not just another job. It's her career, that's what she loves to do. I on the other hand don't feel the same. And I also realized, that's alright. We all have to find the road were destined to take. She found hers, and now I have to find mine. It won't be easy following your own dreams I can tell you that much. Ever since I got out of high school. my parents and some family relatives of mine expected me to go to college and pursue a Nursing Program. I thought I was going to since I was already a C.N.A and thought, "Why not?". I mean I'm good at being a C.N.A how hard can it be to be a Registered Nurse? But I thought wrong. I woke up one day and realized I wanted to do something else. I wanted to make MY OWN CHOICES. After all it is my life and I should live it the way that satisfy me and makes me happy. So, I changed my major to Arts in accounting. Of which I am very excited for! I am not the greatest in math let me tell you that. But! I love challenges. I get bored when things are too easy to follow. Things are more interesting to me when my brains are having a hard time. Needless to say, I will get there. I will reach my dreams no matter how hard the road to success is. Bumps and curves here I come! :)

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